Website design, how to succeed?

Website design, how to succeed ?
From needs assessment to the launch, the creation of professional looking website can not be improvised.
The success of a website must go with the completion of various steps.
If some of these steps include Referencing tasks, the design of a well optimized professional website will require additional steps, described in the section dedicated to SEO a website.
Steps of creating a website
Definition of site creation project
This first step is to define the framework of the professional web design project:
- Website Goals
- Intended target website
Targets one of the tasks accompanying the creation of a professional website is to set up the necessary infrastructure for the proper functioning of the site:
- Preparation of the web environment
- Domain name
- Hosting that meets the needs
- Mailboxes
- User accounts : before embarking on the graphic and technical realization of the site, determine what it will be.
This very important step in site design you require active participation - Organization of site content to create
- Enumeration of topics according to your demands and anticipated needs of future users of the website.
- Classification and grouping items into categories.
- Description of sections and categories.
This is an organizational chart showing the hierarchical structure of professional website to create its skeleton, describing succinctly : - Construction of the tree to create web pages
- Sections : headings categories
- The sub-sections
- The different items providedthe links that connect the sections together: navigation, schematic representation of a typical page of the business website to be created, taking into account the ergonomic criteria, and to show the choices made in terms of its structure and its implementation page :
- Development of the web pages scheme
- The occupation of the space available in a browser window
- The distribution of space between the different elements of a page
- la répartition de l’espace pour les versions mobiles éventuelles du site.
Professional web creation often comes with features that need to be developed to measure:
- Analysis features of the new site
- Form with sending email
- Forms with updating a database
- Management of login and password
- Customized interface for easier data management
- Newsletter subscription
- Internal search engine : This analytical work, often overlooked, is an important step to creating a professional website because it will have repercussions on its effectiveness, SEO and therefore on its positioning:
- Data architecture
- Hierarchy and naming all the elements that constitute the new website folders, subfolders and files containing the pages, style sheets, scripts, graphics, objects, images and documents.
- Analysis of the database structure possibly linked to the website: determination of the necessary tables, links between them and the characteristics of their fields. Based on information provided by you or the computer graphics and taking into account the design criteria, ergonomics and usability, which are essential qualities to consider in creating a professional website, it is to achieve :
- Graphic project
- A plank of trends indicating the choice of typography styles and formats
- A more realistic model of one or more types of website pages
- In case of adaptive design (responsive web design) : the specifics of the media on mobiles. Validation viewing of the items before the creation of professional website:
- Editorial charter
- Textual content: title, subtitles, paragraphs, text, words in bold or italic
- Tables: title and content
- Various documents: images, photos, videos, .pdf document
- Image alternate text
- Forms: headings, size, limits, default, mandatory fields, error messages.
- Integrated content navigation: contextual text links and buttons
- Title displayed by search engines and browsers : title
- description for search engines Realization of the backbone of the professional website :
- Technical design of the site
- Elements common to all pages : html, PHP, Javascript, Jquery
- Creation of standard style sheets for screen and printer: css
- Oossible creation of style sheets for web design responsive(tablette, Smartphones) : css
- According:
- The type of occupation of the space chosen :fixed, elastic or fluid
- the distribution of the chosen space : header, body, columns, footer. Creating each page of the website by incorporating the elements of its own by the implementation of the various suitable techniques: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ajax, PHP, MySQL, XML…:
- Integration and content layout
- Static content: titles, subtitles, texts, tables, images, videos, …
- Dynamic content: data from a database, a .csv, .xml, …
- Tags for web browsers and search engines: title, description
- Realization of navigation
- Creating different types of link provided in the professional website : primary and secondary navigation tools, breadcrumbs, contextual buttons, text links.
- Compliance with navigation rules in a usability concern: identification of the current page, different appearance when mousing over a link, identifying the link destination.
- Test all links.
- Creating the database
- Creation of the database on the server from the host of professional website.
- Creating tables.
- Creating fields in each table.
- Completion of forms and other possible features
- Creating professional website features, including the form with sending e-mail and / or updating a database.
- Extensive testing capabilities.For example, in the case of a form: input various data to validate the multiple checks and verification of final.Il result is, using tools and tests,control for all pages of professional website:
- Technical validation
- Compliance with current web standards : html5, css3
- Compatibility with major browsers : Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera.
The posting, final phase of the creation of professional website, involves three steps:
- Uploading website
- posting a simulation in real conditions in a test environment on the provider’s server, possibly with password-restricted access
- Online tests, in depth, from its full functionality
- After validation, commissioning site real line to make it accessible to Internet users.
Contact Marocrank web agency to get detailed information about the ideal options to give your website and make it more efficient.
A quote can be sent for free.
Marocrank web and communication agency in Fes, Morocco
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